Anglocat on the Stump!

Your Anglocat has been invited to speak at the St. Joh's University Conference on The Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers. (I'm speaking tomorrow, Saturday, at the wildly optimistic hour of 8:30 a.m.) Most of the speakers will be addressing these issues from either a labor law or a Roman Catholic perspective. My presentation will be on the Second Oxford Movement and its embrace of the dignity of labor. Here's the abstract:

In the late 19th and early Twentieth Century, the Second Oxford Movement built off the Anglo-Catholic foundation laid by John Henry Newman, John Keble, and Edward Bouvier Pusey. As Anglo-Catholicism grappled with the scientific and social turmoil of the end of the Victorian Era, and the aftermath of World War I, its leaders, especially Bishop Charles Gore, embraced not only the sacramental aspects of Catholic theology, but its commitment to "the Way" as the primary meaning of Christianity. For Bishop Gore, one key component of the Way was rendering justice to workers, which, to his mind, entailed the right to a seat at the table, despite the controversy that view engendered.

The full agenda of the conference is here.

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